Partnership with Crafts Council

We’re so excited about this!

We have partnered with Crafts Council, the UK’s national development agency for contemporary crafts, with an aim to help raise awareness of the importance of craft and making in the early years setting.

Our partnership will promote creative play through art and craft making, which is such a fundamental and natural part of every child’s early years experience.

Olobob Top is all about self-expression through the creative arts, being unafraid to make a mark, combining things to see what sparks, and having fun whilst being creative. And we want to bring Olobob Top, with its passion for creative play, out to every preschooler in the UK. With this partnership with Crafts Council we can do just that!

We’d like to thank Those Licensing People for bringing us together, and can’t wait to get started on devising national workshops with our new-found friends at Crafts Council.

Some press about our partnership - Licensing Source.


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